Bit & Barrel Keys

When you need some Bit & Barrel keys made with or without the original than we can help you out.

Our team can make or duplicate most bit and barrel keys not matter if you have the original or not because we can also do hand impressions from the lock.

Don’t Get Locked Out Of Your Belongings!

bit and barrel key making

Get Back Into Your Property Even If You’re Locked Out.

bit and barrel keys on a white background

Getting back into your property can be annoying if you lost the bit and barrel key to the lock.

Our locksmiths can make you a bit and barrel key with or without the original therefore you can get into your property.

Locksmiths are the best way.

1) A Locksmith Is The Fastest And Easiest Way.

Calling a locksmith is the fastest, and easiest way for you to get your bit and barrel key made. Locksmiths have all of the tools, and know how in order to make your key with or without the original key.  Contact Your Staten Island Locksmith.

2) Most Keys Can Be Made.

Sometimes when you lose your key it can be difficult in order to get a new one. Our team can make and duplicate your bit and barrel key so that you always have a spare.